How to make your Ninebot Faster!

So how do you do it?

If you're looking to increase the speed of your e-scooter, you have come to the right place.

This method doesn't require physical modifications, potentially saving costs and avoiding complex installations. However, remember that such modifications can affect warranties and may not align with local regulations.

Compatible models:

  • Xiaomi 365
  • Ninebot G30LP/Max
  • Ninebot ES
  • Ninebot D38

More models are being added!


Before you even start, make sure you have an ANDROID device. The Speed mod application is not available in ios devices

Other considerations are the type of controller that comes with your scooter. For example, the Ninebot G30 model has two different model controllers, the AT32 and the STM32.

For speed modding purposes, the AT32 is better, as its bolt connectors make it unlikely for the wires to overheat and melt together, unlike the STM32. Also keep in mind, that factors like the rider's weight, temperature, charging habits and overall riding style will have varying effects on the scooter, from reduced battery life to possible component overheating. 

If you do have the STM32 model, we recommend replacing the stock connectors with MR60 connectors, available here, to avoid overheating issues. 

MR60 Connectors

WARNING: This is not advice, strictly for educational purposes! SWIFT CANADA is not liable for any damages caused by modifying your vehicle by following this guide.


Step 1.

Download the ScooterHacking Utility app from the google play store.


Step 2.

Turn on your escooter, open the app, and select your escooter, which should now show on the pick your scooter tab

note: if there is multiple scooters in the proximity, the one closest to you will have the lowest dbm

Step 3.

Once at the home screen, confrim that your vehicle shows under model, and then switch to the flash page

Step 4.

Make sure to INSTALL/UPDATE SHFW, followed by selecting the Regular-Base option, which should update on the Friendly name section. Once this has been done you are ready to START FLASH.

Step 5. 

Once the flashing has been finalized, you will receive one of two messages:

Flashing Failed

If this happened, dont panic! Try again, and in most cases, you should be good after the second try! If it keeps happening, and your scooter does not work as intended, you may have ruined your controller. If this is the case, contact us.

SHFW Installed

Youre good to go! Your update has now been installed, and you can now modify almost everything on your E-Scooter!


Step 6.

You've done it. Now you can really maximize the use of your ninebot, from simple things such as zero start, to even your top speed!


Here are some settings that you can change for a small boost in speed! 



The settings above should get you speeds of roughly 34km/h!

BONUS TIP!- For GPS accurate speed readings, change tire size to 9.3.


If you would like to learn more about these settings, or you would like to reach higher speeds without the risk of overheating your components, book a 15-30-minute meeting with one of our technicians.


If you are interested in a pre-modded controller, with all the BEST settings, make sure to order it here!

As always, for any additional help, make sure to send us a message, email, or give us a call!


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